Stasinos Konstantopoulos

National Centre for Scientific Research "Demokritos"
Personal web page

Short Bio

Dr. Stasinos Konstantopoulos, MEng in Computer Engineering and Informatics (University of Patras, Greece, 1997), MSc in Artificial Intelligence (Edinburgh University, U.K., 1998), PhD on Computational Logic and Machine Learning (Groningen University, the Netherlands, 2003) has been affiliated to the Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications, NCSR "Demokritos" since 2005 through several national, FP6-IST, FP7-ICT, and Horizon 2020 projects. Since 2012 he has been leading core technical work packages and has been the technical manager in Intelligent Data Management and Big Data projects. He has also been actively involved in W3C activities and has participated in various Working Groups and Community Groups, including the POWDER Working Group (2007-2009) where he contributed the logical foundations of the POWDER Recommendation. Besides semantic and data technologies, Stasinos' research interests also include applications of machine learning to language technology and robotics.

Stasinos has authored or co-authored more than 60 articles published in refereed journals, collections, and full-length international conference proceedings, has reviewed submissions to artificial intelligence and machine learning journals, and has been on the programme and organising committees of various international conferences including chairing the programme committee of the 6th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN 2010).

Besides these research activities and community service, Stasinos is also active in student supervision and instruction. He has, so far, seen five MSc and three undergraduate students graduate and has supervised more than ten undergraduate interns; of these projects, five have led to publications in refereed conferences and journals. He has also taught Information Extraction at the joint University of Athens/National Technical University of Athens Master's course on Language Technology; and has delivered lectures at the NCSR Summer School (2008-2011) and the University of Texas Study Abroad Summer School (2010-2012).